
Det är dumt att sitta hemma hela dagen själv. Nu ska jag nog sova så jag kan komma hem till hovsjö imorrn och få kramas och må bättre. Man mår bättre då.

Chakra – Love shines through

You are beautiful within, you are beautiful without
There’s no reason for your mind to be consumed with senseless stuff

There are times we will remember
There are nights we won’t forget

If we *** every moment
We will never feel regret

In everything you do, your love shines trough


You have wisdom of exception
You are gentle like a child
You will always be protected
You will never lose your smile

There are friends that will remain
Within our thoughts throughout our lifes
There are ties that can’t be broken
There are bonds that cannot die

In everything you do, your love shines trough


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